

Sideline Interviews

“The standards were developed by educators across the country and Kentuckians had an input in that. They are not from the federal government.”

“Standards are all skill based, and curriculum is just the content in which you use to teach those skills. Curriculum is going to be different in every classroom, based upon the needs of your kids.”

“The greatest misconception about Kentucky’s Educational Standards, is that they are politicized. Any educator will tell you, whether they are republican or democrat, that these standards are good for their students. We need to think about kids before ideology.”

“I hope that people will begin to become more versed in what the documents actually say.”

“The curriculum is the vehicle to get those kids where they need to be. There are lots of different curriculums, but one set of standards.”

“Having high rigorous standards is a good way to start to helping Kentucky’s workforce of the future. And actually, the workforce of today.”

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